The Music of the Spheres Light and Sound Technology

The Music of the Spheres Light and Sound Technology
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Angela Barnett


In order to become a Light Body, we must learn to play the Harp like the Angels do. The Angelic Consciousness in the Cosmic Sphere of the Music of the Spheres is played by the Breaths of the Highest Angels. The Elohim of Hearing taught me how to connect my Soul and Spirit into the Violet Harp string of the Outer Sphere. I used the gift and the formula that they taught me over several years to create the Eternal Life Album. My Creation Team first sent to me a team from the Elohim Race line to show me how to use the Crystal Light, Crystal Dust and Crystal Gel Spheres containing this transformational substance of Pre Light and Sound as a Cosmic Microphone that allowed me to stream the Sounds of the Music of the Spheres into my brain and then my breath and to exhale those Frequencies into my MAGIC MICROPHONE that is made of this Etheric Magical Substance that Stars are made of. They taught me how to play this Cosmic Harp that would activate the Violet Brain within me, so that every breath I take and every breath I exhale would allow me to live within the spheres within spheres within spheres of this Magical Music that transforms all into one continuous Symphony of Love. Each time I spin these three spheres together they create the highest resonance and that resonance translates all that I Intend into a magical encounter that will present itself to the one who listens to the music.