The Appointed Time: What Has Been Hidden Is Now Revealed

The Appointed Time: What Has Been Hidden Is Now Revealed
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Joseph Crushski


What if an ancient copper scroll found in the Dead Sea caves could be decoded to determine the location of a vast trove of Hebrew gold and silver? Many scholars and treasure hunters have tried and failed. In frustration, some have posited the unusual scroll is nothing but an elaborate prank. The copper scroll is currently located in an archeological museum in Jordan. All of the other scrolls in the Dead Sea were composed of parchment or papyrus, which makes the copper scroll extremely unique. The author had to spend a considerable amount of time to inscribe the metal and the cost for the copper was not insignificant. So the information was thought to be very important. The Appointed Time story draws on the mystery and intrigue of the copper scroll and envelops the reader in a startling adventure. The characters in the story provide the heart and soul of the tale from an interesting perspective. How do men with tactical engagement backgrounds interact with people of faith to achieve common goals? Nothing of value ever comes easy. This story includes adversaries that expend considerable effort to intercept and defeat the team of treasure seekers. Along the way, the sojourners uncover something very important about the appointed time. The best tales are derived from actual historical events and artifacts. Prepare yourself for a reading experience that moves quickly through an adventurous and exciting storyline.