Stormbird: Of Flute and Evil Witch

Richard Allan Jones


Rox AntashaHe took a hundred golden ducats and tried to buy her soul. But Rox ‎Antasha, wild-fighter, minstrel and thief, feels she is worth a bit more ‎than that. She was not about to betray her land and her heritage for a ‎meal and the honeyed words of the evil Witch, Feriam.‎Nevertheless what is Feriam Mesmer's fascination with the Ring in ‎Earl Darret's secret vault? Certainly Rox didn't remember the ring from ‎the last time that she had been along to browse through the Earl's most ‎treasured possessions. Maybe she should borrow the ring and take it back ‎to the Guild of Assassins; Rox is quite certain she'll get a better price ‎there.‎But is it all just about money and trust? There seems to be a lot ‎more going on in Four Valleys. The smoke and dust of the derelict land ‎has come through to pollute the land around the tower; there is ice and ‎snow spreading from the desolate Anastasia manor. A plague of goblins, ‎ogres and trolls has appeared, spreading strife and unrest in the valley. ‎Rox can see that some deeper plot surrounds the ancient magical ring of ‎the Anastasia; and the Witch is definitely behind it all.‎Who is Rox to trust? Where must she turn in time of need when it ‎becomes clear that everybody seems to be following their own agenda, ‎even Jethra the Ranger is not all that he seems to be. Why has he been ‎detailed to follow Rox, when Earl Darret should be asking questions about ‎the magic ring; and certain other things that have gone missing from his ‎secret vault? ‎Rox is in two minds about accepting Jethra's assistance, especially ‎when he shows how inexperienced he really is. But any help is better than ‎nothing at all; and Rox definitely should not face the Desolation Dragon ‎by herself; not when the Witch is lurking behind the scenes. Nevertheless ‎Rox is determined to earn her one hundred golden Ducats; even if she ‎has to cut it from the Witch's hide.‎

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