Divinity: A Spiritual Book

Divinity: A Spiritual Book
Partridge Publishing Singapore
Ev. Paul Mukendi


No book has ever attempted to deal with the subject of divinity in its entirety. Here at long last is a comprehensive book dealing with divine beings in its complexity. It provides the reader with accurate and insightful knowledge concerning the concept of divinity. The author gives a clear explanation of the Triune nature of God. God is one being, manifest and existing in three distinct identities or persons, which is further discussed as being comparable with the makeup of a human being. God shares his divine nature with spiritual beings in the heavens with angels and on earth with humankind. The divine nature of God resides in all spirits. Therefore, men have God’s nature in their spirits; they can communicate with and receive the things of the spiritual realm. Through sin, humanity has lost the nature of God; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The purpose of the Bible is to spiritualize humankind, because we have fallen short of the glory of God. The broad focus of this book is to bring as many believers to a stage of maturity in the knowledge of Christ.

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