Political Marketing: Ghana Voters’ Behaviour, Trust, Loyalty and Intention to Vote

Political Marketing: Ghana Voters’ Behaviour, Trust, Loyalty and Intention to Vote
Political Marketing
Political Science
Partridge Publishing Singapore
Zakari Bukari, Abu Bakar A Hamid, Hishamuddin MD SOM


Political marketing is part and parcel of political life. Politicians, government and council departments have incorporate marketing in their pursuit of political goals. They are aware when deciding on policies and service deliverances; understand people they serve and seek votes from them and thus create new segments to target and creation of the political brand to develop an attractive vision. The objectives of this study are to examine voters` behaviour, the role of loyalty, trust, and voting intention in selecting political leaders in Ghana. Data gathered from 520 eligible voters who have voted at least two times. Structural Equation Modeling Smart PLS was employed generate the findings. The outcome revealed that, candidate personality, epistemic value, contingency situation and political issues have a positive and significant influence on voting intention. However the social imagery had no effect on voting intention from the voters` perspectives. Voters` loyalty and trust moderates voting intention on the aggregate level. This finding suggested that political issues engagement with voter audience need to be revisited through civic education. Given the importance that democratic societies placed on citizens’ participation in an electoral process. Incorporating their views, opinions and feelings on trust and loyalty to a party on their voting intention will offers an empirical dimension to the evaluation of voters` behaviour and also help the leadership of the various political parties in Ghana in their quest to develop appropriate strategies with the so aim of winning election. As marketers do to win their customers against their competitors.

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