Federal Income Taxation

Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Taxation
Aspen Publishing
Lawrence Zelenak, Richard Schmalbeck, Sarah B. Lawsky


Unique in its structure, Federal Income Taxation, Fifth Edition presents core materials that cover the basics of tax law and then offers supplemental "cells" at the end of the book that are self-contained units with more in-depth discussion of certain topics. Professors and students will benefit from: A thoroughly updated text that incorporates the extensive changes to the Code enacted by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 New cases reflecting developments since the previous edition. A new cell on the taxation of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. Core text (about 500 pages) that covers the leading cases and explains the substantive tax law that is essential to a basic understanding of federal income tax law and principles. Novel "Cells," self-contained, optional units at the end of the book that supplement the core text by presenting additional material and treating a limited number of topics in greater detail. Notes and questions providing background information and placing the cases and statutes in context. More than 150 problems throughout the core text and cells that challenge students to apply theory to specific situations. An annual "inflation supplement" issued every December that provides updated problems and answers to reflect inflation adjustments for the upcoming year, as well as updated tables where relevant.

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