Employment Law

Employment Law
Employment Law
Wolters Kluwer
Scott Moss, Richard Carlson


Employment Law introduces students to major issues and problems in labor policy and the practice of employment law, moving from one practical or policy area to the next, recalling and expanding students’ understanding or basic legal principles in particular contexts, and introducing laws specially designed for the protection of employees and other individual workers. Updates to the Fourth Edition: Materials current through early 2018 and the early Trump Administration Updated materials on employee status and joint employers in the sharing and gig economy New materials on interns and other student workers proof and rebuttal of mixed motive discrimination on the basis of sexual identity and orientation the “personal comfort” doctrine in workers’ compensation law testing for prescription drugs and “direct observation” rules Employee “concerted action” in “dealing” with employer, including use of social media Updates on the impact of the Affordable Care Act on employee benefit plans the impact of Marijuana legal reform employer electronic surveillance of employees Developments in the law of tortious interference

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