Representing Corporate Officers and Directors and LLC Managers, Third Edition (formerly titled Representing Corporate Officers, Directors, Managers, and Trustees) is a guide to the practical aspects of corporate governance for attorneys, corporate officers and directors, LLC managers, and trustees. Following the repercussions of past corporate and accounting scandals, new legislation, rules, and standards by governmental bodies and society have greatly increased the focus on the responsibilities and liabilities of directors, officers, managers, and trustees. Increased SEC oversight, new NYSE and NASDAQ listing standards, new cybersecurity compliance guidance, new fiduciary and other duties, and new criminal penalties have all changed the landscape for those who control corporations. By logically laying out the steps to safe corporate governance, the analysis, cases, tables, and checklists guide the veteran and neophyte alike. Representing Corporate Officers and Directors and LLC Managers tells you what to look for...what to look out for...and what steps to take to protect your corporate clients in today's harsh regulatory environment. It's the only up-to-date work of its kind to offer both in-depth analysis and practical guidance on key aspects of this critically important area. This updated Third Edition thoroughly covers: Directors' duties of care and loyalty-- including the different standards which have been imposed on directors regarding the duty of care...the duty of loyalty...the business judgment rule... when directors are entitled to rely on the advice of others...improperly influencing audits under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act... improper distributions...and more. Conflicts of interest--with examples of conflict of interest transactions, and discussion of loans to or by directors and officers...secret profits...and the duty to safeguard confidential or inside information-- plus, how certain transactions considered improper can be ratified and thus become legitimate. Federal securities laws--including everything from overviews of the laws, the SEC, and securities themselves-- to jurisdiction, pleading, remedies, and defenses in securities cases... criminal penalties...and attorneys' responsibilities regarding liability under Sarbanes-Oxley. Indemnification and insurance-- with discussion of mandatory and permissive indemnification and the scope of indemnification in various states... when a director may be indemnified even if not wholly successful in defense of an action...directors' and officers' liability insurance...types and extent of insurance law treatment...and exclusions. Tender offers--including antitakeover measures, two-tier and squeeze-out mergers, and golden parachute agreements, poison pill plans, and greenmail...potential liability in tender offers...and implementing mergers and acquisitions, with securities law, antitrust, tax, accounting, and labor law considerations.
Plummer,J. (2004) 'Introduction', in J. Plummer. and J. G.Taylor (eds) Communityparticipation in China: issues andprocessesfor capacity building, London: Earthscan, pp 1-22. Polanyi, K. (1957) The great transformation: the political and ...
53 [b] The Global Sullivan Principles of Corporate Responsibility In the late 1990s, Reverend Sullivan, in conjunction with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, began work on a new initiative, “launch[ing] the Global Sullivan ...
Cape Town: Pearson Education. Masi, R. J.( 2000). “Effects of Transformational Leadership on Subordinate Motivation, Empowering Norms, and Organizational Productivity.” International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol.
(See “2007 Trends in the Corporate Governance Practices of the 100 Largest U.S. Public Companies” published by Shearman & Sterling LLP.) Q 6:12 How long should board meetings last? Historically, the average board meeting lasted only a ...
A Humane Reckoning: From Accounting to Accountability at Macquarie, 1964 - 2014
Est in Aqua Dulci Non Invidiosa Voluptas
Corporate Reconstructions: Strategies for Directors
Patterns of Accountability Within Local Non-elected Bodies: Steering Between Government and the Market
Boeker, W. and Goodstein, J. (1991). Organizational Performance and Adaptation: Effects of Environment and Performance on ... Corporate Governance: Welk Nationaal Systeem is het Beste?, Book review. • Bosch, F.A.J. van den (1996).
This book is a timely and necessary examination of how organized labour and workers movements are engaging with this shifting environment.