Using an effective “learn by doing” approach, Wills, Trusts, and Estates for Legal Assistants emphasizes examples and applications, and includes hundreds of real life situations with detailed explanations. Students understand what the rules of law mean and how they apply in a real world context. The complete topic coverage introduces wills and trusts, intestate succession, estate administration, nonprobate transfers, and other estate planning issues such as taxes and malpractice. A balanced, experienced author team skillfully blends theory with practice and extensive pedagogy reinforces the text, with marginal terms and a glossary, ethical points, checklists, practice tips, and sample forms. The instructor's manual provides a summary of chapters, a model course outline, exam questions, assignment ideas, exercises, and a research guide for wills, trusts, and estates. New to the Sixth Edition: The impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on federal income, gift, estate, and generation-skipping transfer taxes Rights and liabilities of same-sex spouses Electronic wills and access to a decedent’s digital assets Techniques for demonstrating testamentary capacity Directed trusts and trusts authorizing trustees to consider environmental, social, and governance factors in making investment decisions Modifying the terms of an irrevocable trust by “decanting” Professors and students will benefit from: lively, lucid, and conversational style grabs and holds students’ interest learning-by-doing approach gives students a concrete grasp of abstract concepts Practice Tips guide students through the critical process of preparing and managing files flexible structure allows professors to follow the presentation of concepts in the book or organize the chapters to fit their syllabus
This complete text focuses specifically on New York practice and eliminates the need for other supplements.
The Second Edition of BASIC WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ESTATES FOR PARALEGALS offers an up-to-date and accessible introduction To The essential legal principles of estate practice. By following four fictional families...
Wills Trusts and Estates for Legal Assistants 4e Law Sim Bundle
Drafting exercises in the text offer opportunities to apply what the students have learned. Ethical considerations that all attorneys and paralegals must follow are included throughout the text.
For example, Geraldine P. Bass, the settlor, lives in State A, as does Dolores L. Evans, the trustee. At the inception of the trust, at least, it will be governed by the laws of A because that is the place where it is to be administered ...
Respected by instructors and popular with students, Basic Wills, Trusts and Estates for Paralegals features: • A straightforward introduction that provides a student-friendly orientation to the subject • Complete, succinct coverage of ...
Interesting and accessible to those just beginning their study of law as well as veterans to the field, this clearly written guide helps readers learn the law as it concerns wills, trusts, and estates, and gives them a practical background ...
This complete text focuses specifically on New York practice and eliminates the need for other supplements.
The best legal guide to wills and estates—with more than 80,000 copies sold—now updated to cover the current asset protection options and estate laws Whether grappling with modest or extensive assets, The Complete Book of Wills, Estates ...
g . Proposed personal representative is a X resident of California nonresident of California ( affix statement of ... adopted by a third party stop foster no child ( 3 ) X issue of a predeceased child no issue of a predeceased child b .