Family Law, Sixth Edition is a modern and teachable casebook, offering comprehensive coverage and a mix of interdisciplinary materials. It compares innovative developments in some states with the reaffirmation of traditional principles in others, and does so in the context of a wider focus on family and the state, the role of mediating institutions, and the efficacy of law and particular methods of enforcing the law. The casebook deals with the complexity of family law both in the organization of the chapters--separate units on family contracts, jurisdiction, and practice, for example, can be shortened, skipped, or taught in almost any order--and the diversity of material within each chapter. Each unit combines primary cases with comprehensive notes, supplemented with academic and policy analyses that provide a foundation for evaluation. Detailed problems extend the coverage or apply the commentary to real world examples. Key Features: A streamlined and updated chapter on the legal significance of being married, including an updated section on reproductive rights to reflect the potential influence of Whole Woman's Health v. Hellersted Major revisions to the chapters on marriage and informal domestic partnerships to reflect the impact of Obergefell v. Hodges A complete update of the parentage cases to incorporate the latest developments on same-sex partners, three parent recognition, third party visitation, adoption, and assisted reproduction Revised sections on the role of settlement agreements and out-of-court processes in divorce and the dissolution of relationships Coverage of cross-disciplinary topics, including financial principles, genetics/statistics, clinical psychology, social history, policy discussions, counseling, negotiation, ADR, and ethics
THIS BOOK has it all - the most important California family law cases, family law codes and California Rules of Court. THIS COMPREHENSIVE CALIFORNIA FAMILY LAW BOOK IS THE BOOK TO BUY TO LEARN ABOUT CALIFORNIA FAMILY LAW.
This compendium of practical advice is gathered from family law professionals, including lawyers, judges, CPAs, and psychologists, who share their real-world experience in a concise chapter.
This book examines the present state of family law in America. This third edition captures recent developments, including the transformation of the institution of marriage to encompass same-sex marriage.
A book about family law is necessarily a book both about family life and the role law can and should take in regulating family life. Individually and together, these are vast topics.
'A vivid, gorgeously garish, Technicolour portrait of a family. It's impossible not to let oneself go along for the ride and emerge at the book's end enlightened, touched, thrilling with laughter.
What all four leave out is Murphy Brown — the economically self - sufficient mature adult who can realistically choose to raise a child on her own . Nevertheless , all four would reject her . Only Fineman's inferred rejection is ...
Law school casebook intended as an introduction to the field of family law, both at the abstract level of theory and at the concrete level of doctrine. It is an...
Written by a distinguished group of matrimonial practitioners & family law experts from across the country, this treatise is national in scope & practice-oriented, providing guidance for every stage of...
This certainly occurred in the case of Mrs Esther Gough who dropped an application for an order founded on her husband's cruelty ; two years later her husband was convicted of manslaughter of their foster child , Dennis O'Neill ...
This book is the first of its kind to propose a new 'parent-partner' status within family law. Included are a detailed discussion of the benefits of the status as well as specific recommendations for legal obligations.