An edited compilation of statutes, rules, and forms for use in the typical Corporations or Business Associations class, including appropriate selections from: Model Business Corporation Act (with Comments) Delaware General Corporation Law California Corporations Code New York Business Corporation Law Derivative Complaint -Walt Disney Litigation Securities Act of 1933 and Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (including Rules and Forms) New York Stock Exchange Listing Standards Uniform Partnership Acts of 1914 and 1997 Delaware Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act Delaware Limited Liability Company Act Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (2006) Restatement (Third) of Agency New to the 2021 Edition: Delaware corporate law changes regarding emergency by-laws, exculpation of directors, indemnification of officers, and public benefit companies Delaware alternative entity changes regarding appraisal rights and registered series California corporation law requirements regarding board of director diversity New SEC rules regulating proxy advisory firms and raising the threshold for resubmission of shareholder proposals Alphabet Inc. Charter Sample Public Company Merger Agreement Delaware Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act
Donahue v. Rodd Electrotype Co. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, 1975 367 Mass. 578, 328 N.E.2d 505 TAURO, CHIEF JUSTICE. The plaintiff, Euphemia Donahue, a minority stockholder in the Rodd Electrotype Company of New England, ...
Corporation Statutes: Model Business Corporation Act Delaware General Corporation Law ALI, Principles of Corporate Governance California Corporations Code (Selected Sections) New York Business Corporation Law (Selected Sections) ...
Important features of Business Associations, Fourth Edition, include: * Complete & developed materials on agency & partnership reflecting the authors' view that a good background in agency & partnership principles...
The new edition focuses heavily on corporation law, with an introductory treatment of agency and partnership at the outset and securities regulation toward the end. This book is perfect for a three-credit corporations class.
Rev. ed. of: Corporations and other business organizations / Larry D. Soderquist, Linda O. Smiddy, Lawrence A. Cunningham.
Corporations and Other Business Associations: Statutes, Rules and Forms
Roland International Corp. v . Najjar , 715 , 728 Rondeau v . Mosinee Paper Corp. , 1078 , 1091 , 1108 , 1181 Roper v . ... Polaroid Corp. , 764 , 865 Shannon v . Hudson , 124 Shapiro v . Merrill Lynch , Pierce , Fenner ...
Thoroughly revised, the new eighth edition features up to date treatment of fiduciary duty in chapter 4 (including EZCorp and Yahoo cases); a new LLC problem and figure in chapter 6 that visually captures how LLCs relate to close ...
This title covers the law of business associations for introductory courses.
This open-source casebook is the seventh edition of a casebook using the H2O/OpenCasebook platform of Harvard's Berkman Center.