Truth in Genesis: Exposing the Lie of Evolution and Millions of Years

Truth in Genesis: Exposing the Lie of Evolution and Millions of Years
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Jeremy W. Wheless


The idea of 'evolution and millions of years' is a lie straight out of the pits of hell. It is this lie that leads many people astray and blinds them to where they will not accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. This book gives support for the Biblical Worldview of Creation and also exposes many of the lies that prop up the idea of 'evolution and millions of years.' Some of the topics covered are: The Age of the Earth - Is the earth billions of years old, or is it only about 6,000 years old like the Bible suggests? This book shows biblically and scientifically that the earth cannot be millions or billions of years old. The Pre-Flood World - The Bible says that, before the flood, people lived to be over 900 years old. How was this possible? The world before the flood of Noah's day was very different than what we see today. This book explores what the pre-flood world may have been like. Dinosaurs and the Bible - One of the lies of evolution is that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. If the earth is only about 6,000 years old, this cannot be true. This book shows evidence that dinosaurs lived with man in the relative recent past: not millions of years ago! Ancient Knowledge - Was ancient man a stupid caveman dragging his knuckles in the dirt? Or, was ancient man very smart? This book shows evidence that suggests ancient man was indeed very intelligent. Perhaps, more intelligent than we are today. Satan's Lies Exposed - We will expose many of the lies that are used to prop up the idea of 'evolution and millions of years.' And more! It is the author's hope that this book will strengthen the faith of believers, and also help win the lost to Jesus Christ by showing them the truth on this important topic.