Victimology: A Comprehensive Approach

Victimology: A Comprehensive Approach
Social Science
SAGE Publications
Leah E. Daigle, Lisa R. Muftic


Drawing from the most up-to-date research and emerging issues, Victimology: A Comprehensive Approach is an accessible, student-friendly text that provides students with an overview of the causes and consequences of victimization and the responses to those causes. Renowned authors and researchers Leah E. Daigle and Lisa R. Muftic use a consistent framework throughout to help readers understand why people are victimized, as well as how the criminal justice system and other social services interact with victims and each other. The focus on causes and responses equips students with the foundational knowledge needed to apply key concepts to real-life situations. Emphasizing the impact of trauma on individuals and opportunities for prevention, this supportive text offers incisive discussions of recurring victimization and the victim-offender overlap with a global focus. The streamlined Second Edition explores emerging topics within this growing field, including immigration and victimization, bullying, homicides and sexual assaults involving LGBTQ persons, school shootings, and more.

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