Introduction to Intersectional Qualitative Research, by Jennifer Esposito and Venus Evans-Winters, introduces students and new researchers to the basic aspects of qualitative research including research design, data collection, and analysis, in a way that allows intersectional concerns to be infused throughout the research process. Esposito and Evans-Winters infuse their combined forty years of experience conducting and teaching intersectional qualitative research in this landmark book, the first of its kind to address intersectionality and qualitative research jointly for audiences new to both. The book’s premise is that race and gender matter, and that racism and sexism are institutionalized in all aspects of life, including research. Each chapter opens with a vignette about a struggling researcher emphasizing that reflecting on your mistakes is an important part of learning. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter help instructors generate dialogue in class or in groups. Introduction to Intersectional Qualitative Research makes those identities and structures central to the task of qualitative study.
New in This Edition: Updated citations and content throughout to reflect the newest thinking and scholarship Expansion of current exemplars of qualitative research New exercises, activities, and examples throughout to bolster accessibility ...
Grant, J. M., Mottet, L. A., Tanis, J., Harrison, J., Herman, J. L., & Keisling, M. (2011). Injustice at every turn: A report of the national transgender discrimination survey. Washington, DC: National Center for Transgender Equality ...
This research-based book foregrounds Black narrative traditions and honors alternative methods of data collection, analysis, and representation.
The text centers "daughtering" as the onto-epistemological tool for approaches to Black feminist and critical race data analysis in qualitative inquiry.
papers, phenomenological data analysis has been the subject of considerable attention by methodologists and there are a number of detailed systematic approaches to phenomenological data analysis (Miller, 2002; Dowling, 2006) that have ...
'An excellent introduction to the theoretical, methodological and practical issues of qualitative research... they deal with issues at all stages in a very direct, clear, systematic and practical manner and thus make the processes involved ...
In this new book Patricia Hill Collins and Sirma Bilge provide a much-needed, introduction to the field of intersectional knowledge and praxis.
Seeing with the cultured eye: Different perspectives of AfricanAmerican teachers and researchers. In D. S. Pollard & O. M. Welch ... Success factors of young African-American women at a historically Black college. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Finally, the book provides insight on multiple ways to write and represent qualitative research for the greatest scholarly and social impact.
Qualitative Research: Analyzing Life presents a fresh approach to teaching and learning qualitative methods for social inquiry—one that focuses on analysis from the very beginning of the text.