Based on the world-renowned Babson Entrepreneurship program, Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset catapults students beyond the classroom by helping them develop an entrepreneurial mindset so they can create opportunities and take action in uncertain environments.
Thought of the perfect business idea but unsure how to start a company? Achieve your goal of entrepreneurship with this no-nonsense business guide as your partner Today's business marketplace...
Provides research-based answers to questions surrounding entrepreneurship, including why some entrepreneurs succeed and what strategies contribute to the profitability of new businesses.
Until 1860 or 1870, only a very small number of men, the aristocracy and a few professionals and merchants, had to take care of their facial hair, and they could well afford a barber. Then, suddenly, large numbers of men, tradesmen, ...
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation is an invaluable resource for social entrepreneurs and innovators looking for new ideas and insight into what really works - and what doesn't.
This Book Presents A Lucid Treatment Of A Wide Range Of Issues Involved In The Development Of Entrepreneurship.
Outlines a revisionist approach to management while arguing against common perceptions about the inevitability of startup failures, explaining the importance of providing genuinely needed products and services as well as organizing a ...
This textbook is intended for use in introductory Entrepreneurship classes at the undergraduate level. Due to the wide range of audiences and course approaches, the book is designed to be as flexible as possible.
The book consists of fourteen chapters covering all aspects of venture creation and management—from writing a business plan, to financing, people management, marketing, and social impact measurement.
From Bob Hisrich’s expertise in global entrepreneurship to Mike Peter’s background as a both a real-life entrepreneur and academic to Dean Shepherd’s current research on cognition and entrepreneurial mindset, this book balances the ...
This book serves as an easy-to-read roadmap for translating technology to a product launch – guiding university faculty and graduate students on launching a start-up company. • Addresses a growing trend of academic faculty ...