Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: People, Data, and Analytics

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: People, Data, and Analytics
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Business & Economics
SAGE Publications
Berrin Erdogan, Talya Bauer, David Caughlin


Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: People, Data, and Analytics provides a current, succinct, and interesting introduction to the world of HRM with a special emphasis on how data can help managers make better decisions about the people in their organizations. Authors Talya Bauer, Berrin Erdogan, David Caughlin, and Donald Truxillo use cutting-edge case studies and contemporary examples to illustrate key concepts and trends. A variety of exercises give students hands-on opportunities to practice their problem-solving, ethical decision-making, and data literacy skills. Non-HR majors and HR majors alike will learn best practices for managing talent in today’s ever-evolving workplace. A Complete Teaching & Learning Package SAGE Premium Video Included in the interactive eBook! SAGE Premium Video tools and resources boost comprehension and bolster analysis. Videos featured include Inside HR interviews where students can hear how real companies are using HR to gain competitive advantage, as well as SHRM and TEDTalk videos. Watch a sample on Measuring Training’s Effectiveness. Interactive eBook Includes access to SAGE Premium Video, SAGE Business Case Collection, multimedia tools, and much more! Save when you bundle the interactive eBook with the Loose-leaf version. Order using bundle ISBN: 978-1-0718-1340-9. SAGE coursepacks FREE! Easily import our quality instructor and student resource content into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Learn more. SAGE edge FREE online resources for students that make learning easier. See how your students benefit.

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