A schoolwide solution for students’ mathematics success! Do you sometimes start to teach a mathematics concept and feel like you’re staring at a sea of bewildered faces? What happens when you discover students previously learned a calculation trick or a mnemonic that has muddied their long-term understanding? When "rules" seem to change from year to year, teacher to teacher, or school to school, mathematics can seem like a disconnected mystery for students. Clear up the confusion with a Mathematics Whole-School Agreement! Expanded from the highly popular "Rules that Expire" series of NCTM articles, this essential guide leads educators through the collaborative step-by-step process of establishing a coherent and consistent learner-centered and equitable approach to mathematics instruction. Through this work, you will identify, streamline, and become passionate about using clear and consistent mathematical language, notations, representations, rules, and generalizations within and across classrooms and grades. Importantly, you’ll learn to avoid "rules that expire"—tricks that may seem to help students in one grade but hurt in the long run. Features of this book include · Abundant grade-specific examples · Effective working plans for sustainability · Barrier-busting tips, to-dos, and try-it-outs · Practical templates and checklists · PLC prompts and discussion points When teachers unite across grades, students hit the ground running every year. Take the next step together as a team and help all your students build on existing understanding to find new success and most importantly, love learning and doing mathematics!
Mann, R. L. (2004). Balancing act: The truth behind the equals ... Intervention in School and Clinic, 28(2), 105–110. https://doi.org/10.1177/105345129202800206 Miller Bennett, V. (2017). Understanding the meaning of the equal sign.
Barbara J. Dougherty, Sarah B. Bush, Karen S. Karp. If you have anything to do with transforming mathematics teaching and learning at your school, then stop everything right now and read this book. Dougherty, Bush, and Karp's The Math ...
Brooks, C. F., & Young, S. L. (2011). Are choice-making opportunities needed in the classroom? Using self-determination theory to consider student motivation and learner empowerment. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in ...
One of the teachers asked Mr. Moore if he could explain what he would be looking and listening for as students worked that would help him know if the students were meeting his goal. Mr. Moore first focused on the creation of the ...
The routines in this book will help students Frequently revisit essential mathematical concepts Foster and shore up conceptual understanding Engage in mental mathematics, leading to efficiency and fluency Engage in mathematical discourse by ...
Elementary and middle school mathematics: Teaching developmentally. New York, NY: Pearson. Van de Walle, J., Karp, K., & Bay-Williams, J. (2016). Elementary and middle school mathematics: Teaching developmentally (2nd ed.).
With concluding guidance on adapting or creating additional rich tasks for your students, this guide will help you give all of your students the deepest, most enriching and engaging mathematics learning experience possible.
With concluding guidance on adapting or creating additional rich tasks for your students, this guide will help you give all of your students the deepest, most enriching and engaging mathematics learning experience possible.
In this expansion of the original popular Common Core Mathematics Companion, you can see in an instant how teaching to your state standards should look and sound in the classroom.
Ritchhart, R., & Perkins, D. (2008). Making thinking visible. Educational Leadership, 65(5), 57–61. Roanau, R., Meyer, D., & Crites, T. (2014). Putting essential understanding of functions into practice in grades 9-12.