Holiday Ornaments in Peyote Stitch includes ten designs in flat peyote stitch with freeform edges. Patterns are shown in diagram form, except for Old Saint Nick which has both a diagram and a word chart. The book includes a complete list of all colors needed to complete all ten patterns, 45 colors total. Colors are chosen to give the designs a more three-dimensional look in a flat piece of beadwork. Colors shown are for Miyuki Delica beads in size 11/0, however any brand of Japanese cylinder beads could be used. All patterns are shown in a finished photo as well. Patterns include: Nutcracker, Gingerbread Man, Candy Cane, Teddy Bear, Candle, Bell, Stocking with reindeer top, Snowman, Poinsettia, and Old Saint Nick. A chapter is included on all the basics you need to complete the patterns, as well as an appendix on peyote stitch in case you need a refresher on even count, odd count, increases, or decreases. All patterns are original designs and have not been published in any other venue. Add a string to the top and hang them on your holiday tree, give them as a gift to a special friend, or incorporate them into a holiday necklace or broach. They are sure to get you into the holiday spirit.