Community Capitalism: How Communities Can Use Capitalism to Create a Shared Economy That Works for Everyone

Community Capitalism: How Communities Can Use Capitalism to Create a Shared Economy That Works for Everyone
Community Capitalism
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Michael Garjian


Corporate capitalism is increasingly blamed for the social, economic, and environmental decline apparent in today's world. Millions of us hope for a more equitable society with a new shared economy in which all people have access to food, clothing, affordable housing, living-wage jobs, medical care, education, and opportunities to improve their lives together on a planet in which: * The condition of the environment is improving * Local economies are vibrant, democracy is growing stronger, a greater sense of community is developing in cities and towns, small businesses are flourishing, family farmers are profitable, poverty is in sharp decline, and children do not go to bed hungry * The economically powerful special interests that receive favorable treatment from governments are communities, rather than lobbyists for wealthy private interests * The purpose of the shared economic system is not to produce maximum profits and growth for the few, but adequate profits and sustainable growth for the good of all-to create a brighter future You may think this a utopian dream, but it is not. Community Capitalism details how we can create this shared economy anytime we want - without the need for any new legislation, any government action, or the approval of the wealthiest, most powerful elite. Most surprising is that, when used in a different way by the community itself, it is the much maligned tool of capitalism that can bring us the shared economy and society we are hoping for! In fact, it is ours for the taking! If you are open to the idea that a new beginning is possible, this just might be what you've been looking for.

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