The Story of King Arthur and His Knights is a November 1903 novel by the American illustrator and writer Howard Pyle. It was published by Charles Scribner's Sons.Pyle's illustrations for the stories have been called "glorious", with the text and the illustrations complementing each other. The book consists of a large series of episodes in the legend of the mythological first king of Britain King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table.
A retelling of the adventures and exploits of King Arthur and his knights at the court of Camelot and elsewhere in the land of the Britons.
Then King Arthur got his spear in both his hands, and ran towards Sir Modred, crying, 'Traitor, now is thy death-day come!' And when Sir Modred heard his words, and saw him come, he drew his sword and stood to meet him.
Roger LANCELYN GREEN The Adventures of Robin Hood Illustrated by Walter Crane King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table Illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley THE BROTHERs GRIMM Fairy Tales Illustrated by Arthur Rackham Louis E GUINNEss ...
Retells the adventures of King Arthur and the men of his Round Table.
When Sir Mellyagaunce espied that blood then he deemed in her that she was16 false to the king , and that some of the wounded knights had lain by her all that night . A ha , madam , ' said Sir Mellyagaunce , ' now I have found you a ...
The most famous and influential work of English fantasy ever published, reimagined for a new generation of readers by John Matthews, one of the world’s leading Arthurian experts, and illustrated by internationally acclaimed Tolkien artist ...
This imaginative retelling of the classic Arthurian legends recounts the story of Arthur's formation of the Knights of the Round Table, his securing of the enchanted sword Excalibur and his wooing of the Lady Guinevere.
The legendary adventures of King Arthur, his Knights of the Table Round, and the court of Camelot .
"All children grow up.
The King's battle with the Sable Knight, his courtship of Lady Guinevere, and his establishment of the Round Table are included in this adaptation of Arthurian legend