Release Purposefully: Awaken the Spirit Within and Quiet the Tyrannical Mind

Release Purposefully: Awaken the Spirit Within and Quiet the Tyrannical Mind
Body, Mind & Spirit
Mill City Press, Incorporated
L. Patrick Kastner


Everyone's life is a unique story in itself offering a variety of events, circumstances, emotions and outcomes. Some are desirable to recall and if possible relive, others are best forgotten. All however are the result of who you are today. In this book the author, by making reference to a variety of actual life situations, presents the type of experiences one may have actually been a part of, or certainly will likely find relatable. Perhaps an example elaborated upon will make one uncomfortable. Others may be pleasing and cause a memorable revival of the time, place and perhaps the people involved. Accepting where one is in life is the culmination of what has transpired in one's life each and every day of their life. Regardless of what one may consider as being good or bad, it is! It has happened, it cannot be changed or modified. It is the intent of the author to encourage people, no matter where they are in life, to set aside the things of the past, and move on. "RELEASE" Consider the past a learning experience. Most of all, perhaps the reader while becoming immersed in an experience shared here and will come to realize that they aren't alone in their plight in life. Others have been there as well, and perhaps it hasn't worked out as well for them. What you will read here may provide a renewed appreciation for some of those experiences. It's about looking at where a person has been, to understand better where they are, and certainly a potential awakening of what could lay ahead. Yes, where you're at may be determined by where you've been, but it need not be a determining factor to where you're going "PURPOSEFULLY." It is often referenced that "Life is what you make of it." Make it Great!!!!!!!!!!!

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