What started out as a couple of blog posts blossomed into a following of over 200,000 people-who have all read and been touched by Mowry's stories. The most extraordinary thing he found when writing about his experiences is that the most common comment about his work is "OMG that's me. You are telling my story. I don't feel so alone now." Living with mental illness is hard, but it's especially difficult when dealing with more than one condition at the same time. Many books about coping with mental illness focus on one disorder, such as anxiety, panic attacks, or depression. Because Dave Mowry didn't see any that dealt with his situation of living with multiple disorders simultaneously, he decided to write about it himself. OMG That's Me! is sometimes funny, often poignant, but always deeply honest, open, and personal. Mowry's stories let others know there is help and there is hope, and that they too can recover and live a full life. This book is a must read for family members and friends who will gain true insight into the experiences of loved ones living with a mental illness. This book is a must read for mental health professionals who will better understand the symptoms faced by their patients. And ordinary people will see the strength, resilience, and beauty of people that will shatter the stigma surrounding mental illness.
Stahl's Illustrated: Mood Stabilizers
Find the science-based information you need in the revised third edition of this indispensable guide. Trusted authority Dr. David J. Miklowitz shares proven strategies for managing your illness or supporting a loved one with the disorder.
本书共分十章, 主要包括:了解睡眠系统, 掌握好眠的三大秘方;培养睡眠驱动力, 安眠可以不用药;该睡该醒, 都要遵守睡眠时间表;关掉身体的总电源, 好好睡一觉;建立睡前缓冲区, ...
In response to the rapid developments in psychopharmacology, this is a spin-off from Stephen Stahl's new completely revised and updated edition of his much acclaimed Prescriber's Guide.
Affect Dysregulation & Disorders of the Self
Based on the author's experience and the experiences of readers of her blog (Living on a Prayer, Living with PMDD), this book offers advice for women who suffer from PMDD (menstrual dysphoric disorder) as well as advice for their partners.
Offers parents practical suggestions on how they can help their infant and child deal with extreme, unpredictable mood swings and become an emotionally healthy, functioning adult.
The book will be of interest to researchers, clinicians and students in psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy in broadening their understanding of how life events impact on individuals and how this can be applied to enhance clinical ...
Yogeswarren, who is so scared of dogs, she has to plan a route ahead of time whenever she wants to go anywhere, just so she can avoid canines of any kind. These are the sorts of people who have to go to the psychiatrist to learn to cope.
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