Morning Hoe: Profiles of Intelligence:joe Scarborough a Biographical Look Into the Mind of a Fake Media Schumck

Morning Hoe: Profiles of Intelligence:joe Scarborough a Biographical Look Into the Mind of a Fake Media Schumck
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
I. M. Stu Pido


In the long run, the C.R.E.A.M. always rises and the crap always sinks. Charles Joseph Scarborough; born April 9, 1963) is an American cable news and talk radio host. He is currently the co-host of Morning Joe on MSNBC, and previously hosted Scarborough Country on the same channel. Scarborough was previously a lawyer and a politician, and served in the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 2001 as a Republican from the 1st district of Florida. Joe Scarborough just can't help himself when it comes to criticizing President Donald Trump. On his most recent show, the former Republican congressman suggested Trump was deranged, and that Congress ought to consider removing him - an apparent hat tip to the long-running Democratic Party's call to impeach. "Donald Trump, again, being a schmuck thinking he can buy people's integrity by inviting them over to the White House and wowing them," Scarborough said. In the German language the word Schmuck means "jewelry, adornment." The etymology of the pejorative meaning is a matter of some disagreement. The lexicographer, Michael Wex, the author of How to Be a Mentsh (And Not a Shmuck), writes that the Yiddish term and the German term are completely unrelated. "Basically, the Yiddish word comes out of baby talk," according to Wex. "A little boy's penis is a shtekl, a 'little stick'. Shtekl became shmeckle, in a kind of baby-rhyming thing, and shmeckle became shmuck. Shmeckle is prepubescent and not a dirty word, but shmuck, the non-diminutive, became obscene." According to Leo Rosten in Hooray for Yiddish!, the pejorative use of the German "schmuck" derives from Schmock, which is closer to the original Yiddish word: and the transition of the word from meaning "jewel" to meaning "penis" is related to the description of a man's genitals as "the family jewels." The Online Etymology Dictionary indicates that the term derives from Eastern Yiddish shmok, literally "penis," from Old Polish smok, "grass snake, dragon," but Rosten cites Dr. Shlomo Noble of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research as saying that shmok derives from shmuck, and not the other way around. Citizens Revealing Ethicless & Apathetic Media (PAC) is a political organization formed for the purpose of addressing the social, civic, legal, political and constitutional consequences of the media that provides for the citizens of the United States. Our focus is to evaluate reporting that we feel is ethicless and apathetic. Five general initiatives are utilized to accomplish this goal: 1) Identification, 2) Reporting, 3) Education, 4) Issue Advocacy and 5) Representation. The organization educates citizens by informing them of media outlets and reporters whom we believe are unethical and apathetic, inform them of current events that may affect their lives and advises them on what they can do to influence the outcome of these affairs. C.R.E.A.M. believes that education is the primary focus of its purpose because citizens cannot be motivated to take action without knowing what is important to them. Issue advocacy is the advancement of concerns affecting the citizens of the United States. C.R.E.A.M. promotes topics that positively impact the citizens of the United States and condemns those that may be adverse to their values. C.R.E.A.M. understands that in order to make significant progress, the citizens of the United States must identify and select political leaders that will represent its interests. Without a voice, citizens of the United States cannot be heard. Contact us on how to help the cause and add your financial support. *Our lawyers require that we advise you that this book is almost blank and contains precisely 5294 words.