This military study posits that the leadership of Major General Edward Braddock led to the defeat of the force that he recruited, trained, and led against Fort Duquesne in July 1755. This thesis places Braddock into the strategic context of the time, seeks to highlight relevant leadership decisions he made that yield insights for today's combat leaders. The defeat at the Battle of the Monongahela resulted in a torrent of Indian attacks that claimed many civilian lives and reduced colonial trust in Great Britain's ability to defend her colonies. This engagement set the conditions that fostered within the colonists a growing mistrust of Great Britain and her colonial policies. CHAPTER 1 - CLASH OF TITANS * Introduction * Colonial Policy * Parle with the French - Washington's Journey 1753-54 * The Honors of War * All Politics Are Local * Britain Plans for War * Chapter Summary * CHAPTER 2 - BRADDOCK BUILDS AN ARMY * Introduction * Origins of Braddock's Leadership * Diplomacy: Assemblies and Headmen * Braddock's Anglo-American Troops * Logistics: Pounds and Provisions * Other Means of Supply * Transportation * Developing the Force * Chapter Summary * CHAPTER 3 - A RATIONAL WAY OF WAR * Introduction * The Troops Assemble * Distance, Rate, and Time * Chapter Summary * CHAPTER 4 - MEETING ENGAGEMENT * Introduction * Combat * Ratios and Proportions * The Participants' Accounts * Chapter Summary * CHAPTER 5 - CONCLUSIONS * APPENDIX A - ORDER OF ASSEMBLED ANGLO-AMERICAN TROOPS * Fort Cumberland, Maryland 30 May 1755 * First Brigade * Second Brigade * The Artillery Train