Cutaneous Medicine: Cutaneous Manifestations of Systemic Disease

Cutaneous Medicine: Cutaneous Manifestations of Systemic Disease
Cutaneous manifestations of general diseases
John A. Flynn, Thomas T. Provost


This book represents 25 years of clinical experience. In it, Dr. Provo st and his expert contributors correlate dermatology and internal medi cine by describing the dermatologic manifestations of systemic disease, from rheumatoid arthritis to Raynaud's disease to periocarditis. Eac h chapter is co-authored by a dermatologist and a medical specialist. Topics covered include the cutaneous manifestations of connective tiss ue diseases; nonimmunologic arthritides; immune and complement deficie ncies; malignancies; hematologic disorders; endocrine diseases; gastro intestinal diseases; metabolic diseases; neurologic diseases; infectio us diseases; and AIDS. Miscellaneous putative autoagressive diseases, autoimmune bullous diseases, and oral manifestations of systemc diseas es are also covered.

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