Edited by outstanding leaders in the field of surgical oncology, this book offers expert advice on prevention, diagnosis, treatment and reconstruction by recognised authorities. The work features the personal treatment protocols of the top surgeons specialising in surgical oncology. Conditions covered include benign and malignant tumors, pediatric and adult problems, routine and advanced or challenging presentations.
VETERINARY SURGICAL ONCOLOGY The new edition of the most comprehensive resource on surgical oncology, covering both basic and advanced surgical oncology procedures in small animals Veterinary Surgical Oncology is a detailed, highly ...
603 Updates in Staging and Management of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Andrea S. Wolf and Raja M. Flores While without treatment, malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) confers poor survival, cancer-directed surgery as part of ...
The first book to focus on the surgical aspects of cancer treatment, Veterinary Surgical Oncology is an essential reference for anyone with an interest in surgical oncology.
John M. Kane III. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. ... Guo QY, Yuan M, Peng J, et al. Antitumor activity of mixed heat shock protein/ ... Dillman RO, Wiemann M, Nayak SK, et al. Interferon-gamma or granulocytemacrophage ...
Molecular biology: oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes /Kathleen M. Diehl and Kathleen M. Woods Ignatoski --Cellular biology: tumor growth and metastasis /Michael S. Sabel --Basic epidemiologic methods for cancer investigations...
The chapters on ultrasound, clinical trials, and plastic surgery, are particularly valuable. This is a terrific and incredibly useful book on breast surgical oncology, and will be an important reference in the field.
The need for cross-discipline collaboration to facilitate and enhance innovation within the discipline is reinforced throughout the text.
This volume provides a comprehensive perspective on surgical oncologic diseases that are relevant to those who have an interest in surgical oncology.
To explore these issues further, the National Cancer Policy Forum (NCPF) of the Institute of Medicine organized a workshop in July 2015. This is the third NCPF workshop in a series examining the affordability of cancer care.
Radiology of small bowel obstruction: contemporary approach and controversies. ... Cousins SE, Tempest E, Feuer DJ. Surgery for the resolution of symptoms in malignant bowel obstruction in advanced gynaecological and gastrointestinal ...