Glasscock-Shambaugh Surgery of the Earhas long been the reference of choice for otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons. In this fifth edition of the classic text, the authors have maintained its authoritative and practical character while enhancing its relevance by updating its contents to reflect the evolution of otology.Glasscock-Shambaugh Surgery of the Ear, 5/eanswers the need for a readable resource to the surgical management of diseases and disorders of the temporal bone, lateral skull base, and related structures. It includes expanded coverage of specific topics such as cochlear implants. This book will prove to be an ideal reference for the practicing clinician and the perfect study guide for the resident/fellow.
Otology & Middle Ear Surgery is a comprehensive guide to the surgical treatment of a range of otological conditions.
Surgery of the Ear /Michael E. Glasscock, George E. Shambaugh ; Associate Editor, Glenn D. Johnson
Surgery of the Ear
Based on 40 years experience, this book on ear surgery guides the beginner as well as the experienced surgeon through all approaches to middle ear and neurotologic surgery.
Rodriguez-Cuevas H, Lau I, Rodriguez HP. High altitude paragangliomas, diagnostic and therapeutic considerations. Cancer 1986; 57: 672–6. 31. Jansen JC, van den Berg R, Kuiper A et al. Estimation of growth rate in patients with head and ...
This reference work will be multivolume, divided into 5 distinct sections, each section approximately 1000 pages long.
The accompanying electronic edition, enhanced with operative videos, will enable both easy reference and accessibility on the move.
Each chapter in this edition includes key learning points, references and suggestions for further reading.
Elawabdeh N, Sobol S, Blount A, Shehata B. Unusual presentation of extracardiac fetal rhabdomyoma of the larynx in a ... Boniver V, Moreau P, Lefebvre P. Synovial sarcoma of the larynx: case report and review of the literature.
The second edition of Manual of Clinical Cases in Ear, Nose and Throat is a complimentary companion to Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat & Head and Neck Surgery, 8ed. This edition is thoroughly revised and updated.