This book aims to offer readers of various educational levels and clinical foci the opportunity to learn electrocardiography from basic recognition of tracings and terminology to a deeper understanding of fine detail. Using researched case studies, sample electrocardiograms, and clinical vignettes, the book is an insightful learning resource for family practitioners, nurses, internists and cardiologists who use ECG to assess all matters of the heart—from palpitations to angina pectoris. The ability to read an electrocardiogram is a skill that is applied at every turn in the daily clinical management of illness. In the ED evaluation of chest pain, where time is of the essence, there is no tool that gives more objective information in so short a time than the ECG. This book will serve both as a study guide for students, and a handy clinical manual for practitioners.
These three books can be described as a cumulative EGG reference for the medical provider who uses the electrocardiogram on a regular basis.
This is a unique format among textbooks with an ECG focus. The clinical scenarios cover the issues involved in detecting and managing major cardiovascular conditions.
Hejtmancik MR, Wright JC, Quint R, et al: The cardiovascular manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus. ... Benker VG, Preiss H, Kreuser H, et al: EKG Veraenderungen bei Hyperthyreose: Untersuchungen an 542 Patienten.
This is an ideal text for students and a great review for practicing clinicians. Incorporates practice questions throughout the book for review, self-test and understanding of key concepts.
Peterson ED , Hathaway WR , Zabel KM , et al : Prognostic significance of precordial ST segment depression during inferior myocardial infarction in the thrombolytic era : Results in 16,521 patients .
This book explains basic physiologic and pathophysiologic mechanisms of cardiovascular disease in a straightforward manner, gives guidelines as to when referral is appropriate, and, uniquely, explains what the specialist is likely to do.
Electrocardiography Review provides 150 carefully selected electrocardiogram case studies derived from Dr. Rimmerman’s files at the Cleveland Clinic.
Electrocardiography Review provides 150 carefully selected electrocardiogram case studies derived from Dr. Rimmerman's files at the Cleveland Clinic.
A History of Electrocardiography
An electrocardiogram (ECG) records the electrical activity of the heart. It is commonly used to detect abnormal heart beat rhythms and investigate the cause of chest pains ( This book is a concise guide to ECG for trainees.