Michael Moore: A Biography

Michael Moore: A Biography
Biography & Autobiography
ECW Press
Emily Schultz


Annotation Michael Moore's full life story, from shy Eagle Scout to the most vocal critic of the Bush Presidency, is told in this biography. Sorting truth from lies while providing in-depth research and interviews, this book presents both the passionate and cranky sides of this best-selling author and Academy award-winning filmmaker. Readers will learn about one of Moore's first public performances, in which he ran for the local school board as a high school student so he could fire his principle, the first step in his rise to pop cultural recognition. With information never before revealed, this biography includes insights into Moore's mysterious and disastrous jump from local muckraker to editor of "Mother Jones and then proceeds to the runaway success of his first film, "Roger & Me. This incisive account lets readers see beyond the myths and presents one of the most visable public figures of our age.

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