A sweeping social history of the challenges and victories, the quiet efficiencies, and most of all, the amazing people - from the chief's office to the circulation desk - who have given the Saskatoon Public Library the remarkable century it has had.Saskatoon Public Library's history is suffused with drama. Floods, fires, boardroom battles, clashes with City Hall, strikes, bold art robberies, outraged and belligerent patrons, pilfering and mutilation of materials, stalkers and flashers, animals at large on the premises, theft of computer equipment, and a covered-up dispute that sent its chief librarian fleeing into obscurity - all appear in these pages. Set these stormy incidents against a historical matrix of two world wars, a major Depression, world-wide epidemics, and a revolution in technology, and the colourful pageantry of the Saskatoon Library history emerges. But mostly the Library quietly hummed along - efficient, orderly and welcoming. It has been a symbol of public service, a haven for troubled souls, an escape for the bored, as well as a treasure house for information seekers. As an institution, SPL has had a remarkably progressive history of service and compassion - even missionary zeal - reaching out to the blind and the deaf, the disabled, the illiterate, the poor, "New Canadians" and Aboriginal folk.Ruth Wright Millar is a well-known Saskatoon historian, librarian and former journalist. Her book credits are as the author of Saskatchewan Heroes and Rogues and co-author of Saskatoon: A History in Photographs. She has made numerous appearances in periodicals such as "Arts West", "Western People", "Saskatoon History Review", and "Saskatchewan History", and on radio and television programs, including "Basic Black." She has also published a number of short stories, written historical video scripts, and prepared historical photo exhibits and bibliographies. Ruth Millar worked for many years as the head of the local history room at the Saskatoon Public Library.
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Segal , Joseph R. Evaluating and Weeding Collections in Small and MediumSized Public Libraries : The Crew Manual . Chicago : American Library Association , 1980 . Slote , Stanley . Weeding Library Collections — 11 , 2nd revised ...
A Public Library Goes Public: A New Look at Ku-ring-gai Municipal Library
... 151 Bell , Virginia 296 , 305 , 316 Bennett , Dean John 16 Bennett , Mrs. John 16 , 66 Benson , Mary Helen 242 Benson , Ruth V , 288 , 297 Benson , Truman 288 , 293 Benton , Mrs. 156 Benton , Thomas Hart 191 Betty Crocker cake mixes ...
B7 310 White, Nicola M. "Privatizing of library postponed: Trustees ask for state study," Herald News. June 26, 2003, p. Bl. ' 311 Staff of the Passaic Public Library "A different view on the library," (Editorial), Herald News.
Dix chandelles pour Gabrielle!: Bibliothèque Gabrielle-Roy, dixième anniversaire
... 2000); Kay Sprinkel Grace, Beyond Fundraising (lndianapolis:The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, 2005). ... 2006): 37—38; Peter Pearson, quoted in William R. Gordon, "Gifts That Speak Volumes,”American Libraries 37, no.
The Public Library Service: IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for Development
Financial Management for Librarians: A Practical Guide to Budgetary Planning and Control
Jahrhundert auf. Dabei handelte es sich anfangs um einfache Bucherausgabestellen mit wenigen Offnungsstunden. Der Besuch erfolgte nach Geschlecht, Alter und sozialer Schicht getrennt (Jugend-, Burger- und Arbeiterbibliothek).