The Canadian Nurses Association's Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses is a statement of the ethical values of nurses' commitments to persons with health-care needs and persons receiving care.
For use in hospitals and medical clinics as policy/procedure books or for reference. The most complete, up-to-date and useful guide to modern clinical nursing skills available!
The only informatics text written specifically for advanced practice nurses, this text excels as both a fantastic introduction to healthcare informatics, or to fill knowledge gaps in the already initiated.
This portable quick reference book is filled with valuable assessment and management information for both pediatric and family nurse practitioners.
This essential resource includes recommendations from current research and utilizes a comprehensive competency model as its framework.Key Features:* Incorporates the Nurse of the Future (NOF): Nursing Core Competencies, based on the AACN's ...
For the Nurse Practicioner, this exceptional text builds your knowledge of pharmacology by first providing an overview of pharmacologic principles and then teaching you how to apply those principles to clinical practice.
This exceptional text builds your knowledge of pharmacology by first providing an overview of pharmacologic principles and then teaching you how to apply those principles to clinical practice.
... guide for practitioners ISBN: 978-1-905539-51-2 · 2008 Self-assessment in Limb X-ray Interpretation ISBN: 978-1-905539-13-0 · 2006 Self-assessment in Paediatric Musculoskeletal Trauma X-rays ISBN: 978-1-905539-34-5 · 2008 Paediatric ...
The first two chapters help you to develop a personalized approach--Achieving Success on a Certification Exam and Test-Taking Skills and Designing Your Study Plan for APRN Certification.
Key Features: * Incorporates the Nurse of the Future (NOF): Nursing Core Competencies, based on the AACN's Essentials of Baccalaureate Education, the IOM's Future of Nursing Report, and QSEN competencies, throughout the text * "Competency ...
Brimming with practical ideas and useful resources, this book will prepare nurses at all levels to advance and attain their educational goals.