Provides teachers with ideas and activities to help students develop good study and test-taking habits.
This means if you have a not-as-goodas-average memory, and you sometimes struggle with learning, there's still lots of hope for you! More about this later. * It's pronounced “ra-MON-ee-ka-HALL.” * The “fingers” at the end.
Often students enter and slip through school without the proper skills necessary to learn. In other words, they need to learn how to learn. Graduates sometimes "forget" the skills they...
In this book, the authors argue for the practical importance of an alternate view, that learning is synonymous with a change in the meaning of experience.
The Learning to Learn Program is designed for early intervention providers to use with families and caregivers.
Help students of all ages maximize learning and strengthen study skills. This interactive workbook is a powerful resource for students, teachers, and parents.
Learning to Learn: The Skill and Will of College SuccessScott Vanderstoep & Paul Pintrich Grounded in up-to-date research on cognitive and motivational psychology, this text shows students how "skill "AND "will "are "both" necessary to ...
Learning is fun when you know how.
In L. Barton and S. Walker, S. (eds) Race, Class and Education (London: Croom Helm). Wood, D. (1998) How Children Think and Learn: The Social Contexts of Cognitive Development, 2nd edn (Oxford: Blackwell). Wood, D., Bruner, J.S. and ...
In this provocative book, authors Washor and Mojkowski observe that beneath the worrisome levels of dropouts from our nation’s high school lurks a more insidious problem: student disengagement from school and from deep and productive ...
Learn anything without the drudgery of rote memorization! By teaching your mind to make the intangible tangible, you can learn and remember more than you ever thought possible.