A Queer Film Classic: a great Canadian indie film from 1974 that has become a cult classic, about a photographer living among various outcasts in the Montreal neighborhood known as the Main, who becomes obsessed with the teenaged son of friends.
Saint-Laurent: Montréal's Main
Rough Guides. O O E. (D -- (D I Un - - (C. Available from all good bookstores For more information go to ... York City D New York City Mini Guide Orlando & Walt Disney World(8) D Pacific NorthWest San Francisco San Francisco D Seattle ...
Copy This beautifully simple churm is the city's Anglican cathedral, built between I857 and 1859 at the instigation of Francis Fulford, Montreal's first Anglican bishop. Its neo-Gothic style is reminiscent of a 14th-century English ...
(Main Madness; Jun 16-19 and Aug 25-28 2006; p514-286-0334, www.boulevardsaintlaurent.com). could once be found in Old Montréal. Celebrated physicist Ernest Rutherford lived at 3702 Rue Sainte-Famille while he was teaching at McGill.
From Québec City, travel west along Autoroute 20 or 40; either takes you through Montréal. Autoroute 40 runs along the top of ... Montréal. and. Québec. City. You have several options to get to Québec City from Montréal's main airport.
The fascinating aspect of this “mythical and kitsch” stretch of Montreal's Main, the traditional frontier separating francophone and anglophone populations, was the fact that it acted like a passage, or a corridor, absorbing the flow of ...
Montreal's main train station is Central Station, or Gare Centrale (don't confuse it with the main bus station, Station Centrale). The station is centrally located downtown at 895 Rue de la Gauchetière Ouest. The station connects with ...
Plains of Abraham and Parliament Hill Some historians call rhe battle between the English troops under James Wolfe and the French defenders under Louis-Joseph de Montcalm the "half hour that changed the world." Others call it the "birth ...
BY TRAIN Montréal's main train station, Gare Centrale, is centrally located downtown at 895 rue de la Gauchetiere ouest (0 514 989 2626 . The station is the major terminus for Canada's VIA Rail trains (0 514 989 2626, 1 888 842 7245, ...
There-'s an Outremont stop on the métro's Blue Line a few blocks away from the main street, rue Bernard. Both the Orange and Blue lines can be ... A walk along boulevard St-Laurent is like a walk through Montreal's cultural history.