A Queer Film Classic on John Greyson's controversial 1993 film musical about the AIDS crisis which combines experimental, camp musical, and documentary aesthetics while refuting the legend of Patient Zero, the male flight attendant accused in Randy Shilts' book And the Band Played On of bringing the AIDS crisis to North America. Wendy Gay Pearson and Susan Knabe both teach in the women's studies and Feminist Research department at the University of Western Ontario. Arsenal's Queer Film Classics series cover some of the most important and influential films about and by LGBTQ people.
Meanwhile, an equally complex soundtrack layers extensive interviews with Chomont, industrial noise, ... Hoolboom's work shares New Queer Cinema's strategies of pastiche and the social constructionist reworking of history.
And Harold Jaffe said, 'Oh, lucky you.'” Willoughby took from this interaction that the CDC was confident “that you could trace backwards to him, and not very well beyond him.”80 This anecdote reinforces the impression of the cluster ...
Touring the AIDS wards of the country, “the grace that placed itself where lives were torn apart” – sometimes in hospitals, sometimes in minefields, and preferably on TV – could not so much as lessen her personal dilemma, let alone the ...
Skräckmotiv och identitetstematik i August Strindbergs författarskap (Umeå: Bokförlaget H: ström, 2008). Jolley, Elizabeth, The Well (London: Penguin Books, 1986). Jones, David J., Gothic Machine: Textualities, Pre-cinematic Media and ...
Sir Richard F. Burton and Rudyard Kipling, markedly different from each other, are among those nineteenth-century figures whose histories together form an image of empire as a landscape of desire and alterity, expressed through travel, ...
... Zero Patience is remarkably science-fictional for something that is apparently more fantasy, magic realism, or ghost story than it is sf. However, the storyline of Zero Patience is as dependent upon science, as illustrative of ...
In an engaging analysis of queer belonging in Quebec, Elspeth Probyn astutely notes that what is less evident in Anderson's “formulation is that the type of nationality one will 'have' is dependent on the way in which gender is locally ...
Huttner, Lee Benjamin. “Body Positive: The Vibrant Present of Derek Jarman's ... John M. Stahl. USA. 1944. Kinsey. Dir. Bill Condon. USA. 2004. Knabe, Susan, and Wendy Gay Pearson. Zero Patience. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2001.
What McKay gives us here is myth-smashing revisionist history at its best.
... Shakespeare: Bardolatry and Burlesque in the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 72. Davis, Actresses as Working Women, pp. 105–36. Donald Roy, introduction to Plays by James Robinson Planché, ed.