Lambda Literary Award winning poet and essayist and long-time disability justice advocate Leah Piepzna-Samarasinha writes passionately and personally about disability justice in her latest book of essays. Discussing subjects such as the creation of care webs, collective access, and radically accessible spaces, she also imparts her own survivor skills and wisdom based on her years of activist work, empowering the disabled - in particular, those in queer and/or BIPOC communities - and granting them the necessary tools by which they can imagine a future where no one is left behind.
Disability Discrimination Act Action Plans: A Guide for Business
You can act against disability discrimination: Disability Discrimination Act
The disability lobby has successfully pushed for discrimination to be outlawed but 'institutional disablism' will not be stamped out without a political commitment to changing public attitudes, according to a new report from Demos called ...
Peter H. Lewis , " A Great Equalizer for the Disabled , " New York Times , November 6 , 1988 , Technology . p . 111 , " In February 2006 ... " : Miguel Helft , " For the Blind , Technology Does What a Guide Dog Can't , " New York Times ...
This workbook focuses on the support systems provided for disabled people by the state, charities, the general public, family and social networks and by professionals.
Human Rights: Disability Issues : Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Human Rights, Disability Issues, Held in Vancouver,...
The book seeks to pay the right attention to the condition of women with disabilities, offering points for reflection, also on the different, often invisible, cultural and social undertones that continue today to feed into prejudicial ...
... einzige – große Studie zum Markt- potential der Barrierefreiheit, die vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie herausgegebene Studie „Ökonomische Impulse eines barrierefreien Tourismus für alle“,106 postuliert zwar auf ...
This workbook introduces the main topics in the course disability - changing practice, part of K665.
This workbook examines the meaning and image of disability. A course at second level.