A Canadian historian and a 39-year veteran of the Warden Service collaborate on this history of the Warden Service from its formative years to the present. Covers evolving National Park philosophies and how the expanding park system, changing societal expectations, and technological change brought change to the role of the park warden. Annotation copyrighted by Book News Inc., Portland, OR.
I've never done anything more physically challenging than catching a bus to Buchanan Street. Now I've swung down cliffs like Tarzan, climbed mountains like Mulan, paddled a canoe like Pocahontas. I've had a brilliant time.
New York Times bestseller! From StacyPlays, creator of the mega-popular YouTube series Dogcraft, comes a thrilling illustrated novel about a girl raised by a pack of wolves and her quest to protect their shared forest home.
Guardian of the Wild: The Story of the National Wildlife Federation, 1936-1986
* “We see through this book the immense power of language…to change the minds of lawmakers and tourists alike.” —The New York Times Book Review * “A poignant portrait of an era when mere words could change the world.” —San ...
'Good and evil lurks around each twist and turn, and the characters live and breathe on every page.
The third book in the exciting new Guardians of the Wild series When a raven drops a white feather at the doorstep on the day of your birth, it is a symbol of your destiny.
The second book in the exciting new Guardians of the Wild series.
Max is sent to bed without supper and imagines sailing away to the land of Wild Things,where he is made king.
Guardians of the Whales: The Quest to Study Whales in the Wild
In our current moment of crisis, Guardians of the Trees is an essential roadmap for moving forward and the inspiring story of one woman’s quest to heal the world.