In No Man`s River, master storyteller Farley Mowat delivers a gripping account of adventure in the far north, shared with a Metis trapper as the two men travel over a thousand miles by canoe. In the spring of 1947, putting the death and devastation of the Second World War behind him, Farley Mowat joined a scientific expedition to the north, seeking a saner world. In the remote, northern reaches of Manitoba, he encountered the Idthen Eldeli—People of the Caribou—a Dene people still living according to age-old traditions. Travelling still farther north, Mowat met the Ihalmiut, an Inuit people whose lives also revolved around the caribou. His companion, Metis trapper Charles Schweder, provided Mowat with an entree into the ancient cultures of these native peoples, and he came to know their land and ways with an intimacy achieved by few outsiders. Mowat was based at Windy Post with the Schweder clan, which included two Inuit children. The young girl, Kunee, also known as Rita, is painted with special vividness—checking the traplines with the men, riding atop a sled, smoking a tiny pipe. Farley returns to the north two decades later and discovers the tragic fate that awaited her. A rare glimpse into a lost world, No Man’s River is both an adventure tale and a heart-rending story of our indifference to the suffering of native and mixed-race peoples, told by one of the best-loved writers in the world.
Catherine Lafferty's life story as a daughter and mother wanting more for her family and for herself is so completely inspiring. Northern Wildflower is a celebration of soul, grace and dignity.
Traditional Land Use Study