Filled with a year’s worth of classroom-tested hands-on, minds-on activities, this resource conveniently includes everything both teachers and students need. The grade 4 book is divided into two units: Heritage and Identity: Societies from 3000 BCE to 1500 CE People and Environments: Political and Physical Regions of Canada STAND-OUT FEATURES focuses on the goals of the Ontario Social Studies curriculum adheres to the Growing Success document for assessment, evaluating, and reporting in Ontario schools builds understanding of Indigenous knowledge and perspectives TIME-SAVING, COST-EFFECTIVE FEATURES includes the five components of the inquiry model opportunities for self-reflection and activating prior knowledge authentic assessment for, as, and of learning social studies thinking concepts, guided inquiry questions, and learning goals support for developing historical thinking skills access to digital image banks and digital reproducibles (Find download instructions in the Appendix of the book)
Dussling, Jennifer. Gargoyles, Monsters in Stone. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1999. Grimm, Jakob, and Wilhelm Grimm. Rapunzel. Mankato, MN: Creative Education, 1984. Gross, Gwen (adapted). Knights of the Round Table. A Step-Up Classic.
This teacher resource offers a detailed introduction to the program, which includes its guiding principles, implementation guidelines, an overview of the social studies skills that grade two students use and develop, and a classroom ...
Mississauga, ON: Copp Clark Pitman, 1991. _____. David Suzuki: Superstar of Science. Mississauga, ON: Copp Clark Pitman, 1991. _____. Roberta Bondar: Leading Science into Space. Mississauga, ON: Copp Clark Pitman, 1991. _____.
Shuter, J. The Maya. Chicago: Heinemann, 2002. Silverthorne, E. Fiesta! Mexico's Great Celebrations. ... Ayo, Yvonne. Africa. Eyewitness Books series. Toronto: Stoddart, 1995. Baumgartner, 134 Hands-On Social Studies • Grade 3.
This teacher resource offers a detailed introduction to the program, which includes its guiding principles, implementation guidelines, an overview of the social studies skills that grade 1 students use and develop, and a classroom ...
The grade 6 book is divided into two units: Communities in Canada, Past and Present Canada’s Interactions with the Global Community STAND-OUT FEATURES focuses on the goals of the Ontario Social Studies curriculum adheres to the Growing ...
Together with the class visit the website of Todd Parr (author of It's Okay to be Different), and click on the “Todd” link to read about what he likes and what his favourite things are (see ).
The grade 2 book is divided into two units: Changing Family and Community Traditions Global Communities STAND-OUT FEATURES focuses on the goals of the Ontario Social Studies curriculum adheres to the Growing Success document for assessment, ...
BENEFITS: To help students strengthen their research skills by using print and online sources, this resource book allows students to plan, research, and implement hands-on projects for which they will then demonstrate their knowledge by ...
Based on the life of co-author Jenny Kay Dupuis’ grandmother, I Am Not a Number is a hugely necessary book that brings a terrible part of Canada’s history to light in a way that children can learn from and relate to.