Vegetables, Herbs & Fruit: An Illustrated Encyclopedia

Vegetables, Herbs & Fruit: An Illustrated Encyclopedia
Cooking / Specific Ingredients / Vegetables
Firefly Books
Bob Flowerdew, Matthew Biggs, Jekka McVicar


The demand for locally sourced organic foods continues to rise. This resource is a prime reference for the many who are growing or wanting to grow their own vegetables, herbs and fruits.

The book features superb full-color photographs and illustrations and an easy-to-use A-Z directory. Comprehensive growing, harvesting and preserving tips and a wealth of recipes are a boon to gardeners and cooks alike.

Practical aspects of gardening are explained in detail, with in-depth sections on creating a garden, pollination, soil fertility and greenhouse growing. Some of the topics covered are:

  • Nutritional values
  • The most useful and most recommended varieties
  • Plant hardiness, propagation and growing guidelines
  • Cropping, harvesting and storing
  • Weed, pest and disease control
  • Ornamental and wildlife value
  • Pruning and training
  • Companion planting
  • Container growing.
  • A yearly maintenance calendar, glossary, further reading section, seed sources list and detailed index round out this outstanding book.

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