But it is also a version of the Matthew effect, this time in attention rather than reading—the rich get richer while the poor get poorer (Stanovich, 1986). In this case, it's our positive attention that is gold.
But the answer will always be simple: We must teach and learn in pursuit of a deeper sense of collective humanity—and for no other reason." "This book is equal parts visionary and practical, courageous and invitational.
A Guide to Administering Online Learning provides an overview of tasks to be accomplished in order to direct dynamic online initiatives.
Supplemented by video footage and opportunities to self-assess and reflect, the book addresses every dynamic that must be in place for students to learn, even at a distance: Faculty-student relationships from a distance Teacher credibility ...
This essential guide will arm you with the tools and insight to Create an environment conducive to learning, establish routines, and most importantly, take care of yourself and your child Maximize the time you spend supporting learning by ...
The teacher or trainer who uses this book will be able to distinguish between appropriate uses of distance education. In this text we take the following themes: The first theme is the definition of distance education.
According to Dr William Painter, Executive Director, VOU will "... target two primary audiences: first, current college and university students in traditional education paths who wish to broaden their opportunities with online education ...
Retrieved from http://sloanconsortium.org/quality_scorecard_online_program Sorensen, C. (1996). Final evaluation report: Iowa ... A., M., D. (1995). (ERIC D., 14, & & B., of & A Kirkwood, Kirkwood, 2013, & guide Shulha, distance Irele, ...
Distance Education: Statewide, Institutional, and International Applications of Distance Education, 2nd Edition is a collection of readings from Distance Learning journal written by practitioners for practitioners.
Brad Voeller earned his four-year, fully accredited college degree in six months, for less than $5,000, by applying the revolutionary techniques of accelerated distance learning.