In this book, the author takes a unique approach to clients' career problems by integrating traditional career counseling techniques with psychological methods of assessment and intervention. The psychological method of assessment is presented in the form of a step-by-step process that allows counselors to lead clients from the initial interview to job placement, confident that the final career choice will have been made within the full context of the client's life, including ambitions for the future, personal style, psychological blocks, and the needs of significant others.
A series of practical handbooks for students with a degree in the liberal arts explains how to transform their chosen academic field into a career that will make the most...
Half felt as my writer did, that e-mail was meant to be fast and convenient, and that there was no need to worry about format or structure. The other half felt that e-mail was the same as any type of business correspondence and that all ...
但对于创业活动的主体——创业者来说,一不可事先制订周的计划,而往往是“摸石头过河”,在不的试错过程中找合企业发的路子,找成功的模式。在对果的追求中,创业者更关注如何做正的事情。 2.技术、资源占有资源整合传统理调技术和资源,创业活动关注够动资源并 ...
It is the responsibility of park technicians , or park aides as they are also known , to inform visitors of the park's rules that are designed to protect and conserve the park's fragile environment . The first person a park visitor ...
【例】秋明和李伟是发小,两个人好得不分你我。李伟15岁的时候,父进货遭遇车祸,使父亲亲,从此,李伟便辍学打工,维里的生计。秋明大学毕业后应某酒做经理。在这期间,李伟从事了多职业,但都不稳。秋明工作稳后,他支李伟学了厨师,终在他任职的酒里给李伟了一 ...
刘华就是这其中的一员,喜欢上网的他把自己大部分课余时间都耗费在网络游戏上,甚至逃课上网。当同学们在上课、复习、参加校园活动的时候,他却在上网。在他看来,好不容易摆脱了家长和老师的束缚,需要好好放松一下,尽情享受一下生活,况且现在刚刚大一, ...
For local energy officials working at the municipal level , salaries can vary widely , depending on everything from academic training to job title to location in the country , says Donald Osborn , Manager of the Photovoltaic and ...
Applied Concepts of Life Planning Vernon G. Zunker. Career Counseling Treatment USING ASSESSMENT RESULTS FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT Planning In Career Counseling JOHN LIPTAR . E. The text reflects the guidelines developed by the National ...
当创业梦想成为现实汤龙和张一腾是上理工大学同的友,平日里一起上课、一起课,几乎形不,情同手足。如果你在园中偶然遇他俩,一他们视为普通的大学生,不产生任何好奇。提起学五堂的“水晶锅贴”,同学们都不陌生。这风味独、价格合理而著的小吃在园里拥有大固源 ...
要想做好工作,需要职业和自己的性格相匹配,大学生借助科学手段了解自己的性格类型,有利于职业的发展。当从事的职业与个性相吻合时,就可能发挥出能力,容易做出成就;反之可能导致其原有才能的浪费,或者必须付出更大的努力才能成功。现今职场中,很多著名企业 ...