Gibbons , Robert , and Lawrence Katz , " Does Ability Explain Inter - Industry Wage Differentials ? " Review of Economic Studies 59 , ( 1992 ) : 515-535 . Gray , Wayne B. " The Cost of Regulation : OSHA , EPA and the Productivity ...
Hence the idea of strategic management , which is almost a tautology according to Boyer and Equilbey's definition of management ( 1990 ) : “ the art of management is to make the organization serve strategy . " Yet management in itself ...
Corporations and Information: Secrecy, Access, and Disclosure
Health care, education, welfare, law—the perceived success or failure of these social institutions is constantly being debated in the public arena. In this book, Ackoff and Rovin join the discussion,...
“Jeffrey St. Clair is the Seymour Hersh of environmental journalism.”—Josh FrankFrom the F-22 fighter jet and B-2 bomber to the Stryker tank and Star Wars, Grand Theft Pentagon chronicles how...
Describing new techniques and novel applications, Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration, Second Edition demonstrates the use of tools designed to meet the increased complexity of problems in government...
يؤدي الفساد -على المستوى الدولي- إلى تشويه التجارة الدولية والتدفقات الاستثمارية، ويسهل ارتكاب الجرائم المنظمة العابرة للحدود الدولية، مثل الإتجار في المخدرات والمؤثرات العقلية، وغسل الأموال الناتجة عن الأنشطة الإجرامية،...
Conflicts of interest in both the public and private sectors have become a major matter of public concern worldwide. The OECD Guidelines define a conflict of interest as occurring when...
Who are the most powerful businessmen in Canada? How large is the corporate elite? And how much influence do the, foreign owners of branch plants have over the Canadian economy?...