From the Wharton School, To Retire or Not? outlines the critical issues associated with faculty aging, retirement policy, and human resource needs in higher education over the next decades.
Everything you need to know to build a financially secure retirement, starting today!
These essays, or conversations, will help readers of all ages think about how to age well, or at least thoughtfully, and how to interact with older family members and friends.
Pp. 97–111 in K.C. Holden and W.L. Hansen, eds., The End of Mandatory Retirement: Effects on Higher Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Gajda, A.J. 1989 Long-term care insurance. Employee Benefits Journal 14(2):10–16.
This book analyses reforms to retirement policies in Japan and South Korea, especially in the context of rapid population ageing.
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
The work is based on empirical data of the relevant actor systems: the states, collective organisations, firms and workers.
The impact of early retirement plans and career change on the professional and personal lives of professors and on the manpower and fiscal structures of the universities they serve is...
Incentive Early Retirement Programs for Faculty: Innovative Responses to a Changing Environment
Aging and the Macroeconomy: Long-Term Implications of an Older Population presents the fundamental factors driving the aging of the U.S. population, as well as its societal implications and likely long-term macroeconomic effects in a global ...