The story of the Presidio's conversion from military post to national park.
( Courtesy of the National Park Service , Golden Gate Recreation Area , Park Archives and Records Center , GOGA - 1766 . ) N GOLDEN GATE E F FORT WINFIELD SCOTT ( FORT. 99 Peacetime Army: 1920s-1930s.
But this is only one layer of Troy’s story.
Situated at the mouth of the Golden Gate is the Presidio of San Francisco, one of the nation's most famous former U.S. Army bases, currently a National Park in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area and a distinguished National Historic ...
No obstante llegó el campo al puesto de Tomochic cuyo río venía muy crecido , con que no nos dejó pasar a donde el enemigo estaba . El día siguiente hizo junta de guerra , y en ella todos fueron de parecer que el gobernador se volviese ...
The Disposition of the Presidio presents a research study about a major crisis precipitated by the Department of Defense action, under a Congressional mandate for base closure.
Urban Trails: San Francisco is the only guide available that details so many trails within the boundaries of the city, including mainland San Francisco and the city’s four islands: Alcatraz, Angel, Treasure, and Yerba Buena.
The Unlawful Concert: An Account of the Presidio Mutiny Case
Slocum gets spooked in San Francisco!
The Presidio of San Francisco fulfilled its mission to serve and protect the Pacific Coast for more than two centuries. Now part of Golden Gate National Recreation Area, it continues...
AppendixV: CapitalSpendingComparison of PresidioTrust PlanningAlternatives Appendix V: Capital Spending Comparison of Presidio Trust Planning Alternatives Appendix VI:GAOContactandStaffAcknowledgments Appendix VI: GAO Contact and Staff ...