A critical assessment of the research related to batterer programs with recommendations for heightened engagement of men, ongoing risk management, and better coordination of courts and services
Browne, Saunders, and Straecker, "Process-Psychody- namic Groups for Men Who Batter." 21. See Dutton, "Patriarchy and Wife Assault." 22. Adams, D., "Treatment Models for Men Who Batter: A Profeminist Analysis," in Feminist Perspectives ...
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2006). A large sample evaluation of a court-mandated batterer intervention program: Investigating differential program effect for African American and Caucasian men. Research on Social Work Practice, 16(2), ...
Using a firm research and theoretical approach, this volume brings together experts in the fields of health, mental health, and criminal justice to predict future violence. In language accessible to...
Programs for Men who Batter: Intervention and Prevention Strategies in a Diverse Society
This volume will be of great interest to policymakers, social services providers, health care professionals, police and court officials, victim advocates, researchers, and concerned individuals.
The fight to end domestic violence consists of community-based services for battered women, laws and policies to combat the problem, a broad spectrum of frequently-innovative programs to protect or otherwise...
Aims to help women recognize the signs of an abusive man, before he becomes violent and does irrevocable damage. Original.
Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan: A Technical Package of Programs, Policies, and Practices
This book is the first to focus exclusively on problem solving courts, and as such it presents an overview of the rationale and scientific evidence for such courts as well as individual sections on the key areas in which these courts are ...
This document presents concepts, findings, and recommendations from the Women's and Perinatal Health Policy Working Group. It consists of three main chapters. A new vision of women's health is unveiled...