Management Basics for Information Professionals, Third Edition

Management Basics for Information Professionals, Third Edition
Business & Economics
American Library Association
G. Edward Evans, Camila A. Alire


Reflecting the rapidly changing information services environment, the third edition of this bestselling title offers updates and a broader scope to make it an even more comprehensive introduction to library management. Addressing the basic skills good library managers must exercise throughout their careers, this edition includes a completely new chapter on management ethics. Evans and Alire also pay close attention to management in "new normal" straitened economic conditions and offer updates on technological topics like social media. Among the areas covered are The managerial environment, including organizational skill sets, the importance of a people-friendly organization, and legal issues Managerial skills such as planning, accountability, trust and delegation, decision making, principles of effective organizational communication, fostering change and innovation, quality control, and marketing Key points on leadership, team-building, and human resource management Budget, resource, and technology management Why ethics matter Tips for planning a library career, with a look at the work/life debate

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