Retire comfortably by using this step-by-step guide that helps you set up your own personal retirement plan & provides you with the financial freedom you need to enjoy your retirement. Valuable advice & information helps you determine your present net worth & figure out how much money you'll need to retire; define how you wish to live & spend your time during retirement; learn ways to build your financial resources; plan your estate & preserve your assets; prepare for unexpected long-term illnesses; & create a Living Will & Durable Power of Attorney for Health care. Social Security, "dis-savings," Medicare, & the Cruzan (Right to Die) decision are also explained & their effect on you is discussed. The estate planning chapter discusses tax considerations, explains terms you need to be aware of, & presents case histories of how other people have dealt with the decisions you may face. The appendices include Living Will Declaration forms, & a national directory of senior programs & services. Easy to read & follow, this valuable guide is authored by a retirement planner with more than 25 years' experience & a Harvard-educated attorney.