* An eye-opening analysis of why big busines has failed to sell to the mainstream, in the tradition of Chris Anderson's THE LONG TAIL
小眾, 其實不小: 中間市場陷落, 小眾消費崛起
Segmentación de mercados
The ideas put forward in the text are based on the authors' sales training programme LAMP (Large Account Management Programme).
In this definitive marketing manual, one of the nation's leading experts in ethnic marketing explains how your company can successfully reach these unique and varied minority markets.
"First, Best, or Different is one of those exceptional books that changes the way you think about marketing and entrepreneurs. I highly recommend this book." Manny Fernandez, Chairman Emeritus, Gartner Inc.
The Sanders maintain that starting a niche business could be the answer for dissatisfied employees who want to be their own boss.