This valuable and much needed reference/text provides details on proper communication between the lab and its clients, the rationale associated with the specimen requirements, and the correct procedures for specimen collection and management in the clinical microbiology laboratory. The first section looks at the premises on which quality microbiology diagnostic processes depend. It outlines the criteria that must be followed by the lab in the interest of good lab practice. The next section details the reasons why the lab must be involved in each part of the testing process, including the preanalytical, analytical and postanalytical steps. The rationale for stringent standards for specimen quality is also outlined. Section III gives instruction on how to select, collect, store and transport specimens for microbiological analysis. The last section contains excellent summary charts for quick reference for bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology specimens that can be used as a quick reference guide to answer most questions regarding the lab needs for a particular specimen.
Labs Giemsa - stained smear from penile and inguinal regions demonstrates characteristic “ closed safety pin " appearance of encapsulated organisms within a large histiocyte ( DONOVAN BODIES ) . Characteristic histologic picture of ...
Based on limited studies with mule deer ( Pearson 1969 ) , buffalo ( Pearson 1967 ) , elk ( McBee et al . 1969 ) , reindeer ( Dehority 1975 , Orpin et al . 1985 ) , and camel ( Hungate et al . 1959 ) , wild ruminants appear to harbor ...
Would you like to bring guest lectures like researchers, physicians, or fellow instructors into you microbiology course? With this 3rd edition of INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY you get the perspective of all three professionals.
Jawetz, Melnick y Adelberg: microbiología médica (25a. ed.).
Medical Microbiology, Annotated Edition: Yi Xue Wei Sheng Wu Xue, Gai Bian Jiao Xue Ban
Tıbbi mikrobiyoloji
Witton's Microbiology
Microbiología médica de Jawetz, Melnick y Adelberg
The 20th edition features improved illustrations, an expanded section in immunology and a new chapter with case studies.
Microbiología médica de Jawetz, Melnick y Adelberg