The story of the controversy over recombinant DNA and its revolutionary impact on modern science. - Provides a unique perspective on the recombinant DNA debate in the United States. - Describes the actions which NIH and the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee, under the careful watch of the scientific community, the government, and skeptical members of the public, undertook to win society's acceptance of this new technology while keeping science moving cautiously forward.
The Recombinant DNA Controversy: A Memoir : Science, Politics, and the Public Interest 1974-1981
In 1980, Berg received a Nobel Prize in chemistry for this work.In addition to his contributions in the research laboratory, Berg orchestrated and oversaw a historic meeting at Asilomar, California that centered on a threatening controversy ...
The Gene-splicing Wars: Reflections on the Recombinant DNA Controversy
The author, Assistant Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy at Tufts University, brings to the topic his experience on the Cambridge Review Board as it considered the siting of a recombinant DNA research facility, and on the NIH's ...
The third part examines the legal aspects of recombinant DNA research and examines the issue of whether such research should be regulated. The papers in the fourth part consider directors for future research.
Regulation of Recombinant DNA Research: A Trinational Study : a Discussion Paper
Describes the events leading to the discovery of recombinant DNA and the immediate reactions of the scientific community and the federal government as well as explaining the possible consequences of...